Nina Wiedemann

ETH Zürich & Intel


I am a researcher specializing in GeoAI and Computer Vision. I have a background in Cognitive Science (Uni Osnabrueck) and Data Science (ETH Zurich), but my curiosity to learn new things has led me to explore various fields, including Neuroscience, Computer Vision, Robotics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and discrete optimization. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in the MIE lab, a GIS group with a focus on human mobility. Our goal is to develop computational methods for advancing sustainable transportation. I am also part-time employed at Intel in a group working on 3D generation, following a 6-month internship I did there in 2024.

In my free time, I love to do sports, especially to go to the mountains for hiking, skiing, cycling, or paragliding. When the weather is bad, I work on some fun side projects.

For a full list of publications, check out my Google Scholar. Feel free to reach out to me at nwiedemann[at]ethz[dot]ch.

selected publications

  1. privacy.png
    Where you go is who you are: a study on machine learning based semantic privacy attacks
    Nina Wiedemann, Krzysztof Janowicz, Martin Raubal, and 1 more author
    Journal of Big Data, 2024
  2. midgard.png
    MIDGArD: Modular Interpretable Diffusion over Graphs for Articulated Designs
    Quentin Leboutet, Nina Wiedemann, Zhipeng Cai, and 2 more authors
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024
  3. apg.png
    Training efficient controllers via analytic policy gradient
    Nina Wiedemann*, Valentin Wüest*, Antonio Loquercio, and 3 more authors
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023
  4. ot.png
    On the potential of Optimal Transport in geospatial data science
    Nina Wiedemann, Théo Uscidda, and Martin Raubal
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.11709, 2024